Goff Barrel & Wheel Blast Equipment
Goff’s airless Barrel Blast machines are the natural choice for economical batch-type blast cleaning and surface preparation on parts or castings that can be tumbled for maximum coverage. Goff offers several sizes of Barrel Blast machines from 1½ - 24 cubic foot volume capacities, with load capacities ranging from 200 - 3,000 lbs.
The Goff Barrel Blast machines are proven in the following industries: re-manufacturing of metal parts and components, heat treating, shot peening and forging, various foundries such as die casting, investment casting, sand casting, as well as numerous other surface preparation and cleaning applications. Goff Barrel Blast machines have been well proven for over 40 years.
Application Examples
- Forged T-Joints
- Rod Inserts
- Rebar Connectors
The Goff Barrel Blast machines are proven in the following industries
- Die casting
- Re-manufacturing of metal parts & components
- Heat treat
- Investment cast
- Foundries
- Shot peening
- Forging

Whether used intermittently or in multi-shift operations, Goff Barrel Blast machines provide unparalleled advantages:
- Attractive price/value ratio
- Easy operation, with very little training required
- Quick and easy exchange of worn or spare parts
- Simple, straightforward design
- Ease of maintenance
- Long life
- Pit-less design
- Automation packages